Friday, April 10, 2009

OTT mentioned on Temptation: A Twilight Fanfiction Podcast

If you are a Twilight fanfic reader (and honestly, why would you be here otherwise, yes?) you may enjoy the Temptation podcast. It's a weekly round-up of news and discussion on the world of Twilight fanfic.

Episode 13: Yay! Hooray! For Hope!, with a release date of April 9, 2009, featured a discussion on the subject of slashfic - a subject near and dear to my heart, as you may imagine. :) Hope, aka manyafandom (pronounced Many A Fandom, for those who wondered - I'm proud to say I had it right!) was a guest host on this episode. I am proud to say that Over The Top was one of the featured slashfics discussed in the episode, and Hopey-my-Hopey gave a glowing review. I am heart-warmed and utterly grateful to Hope and to the Temptation chicas for mentioning OTT.

Speaking of Hope, her entry in the Friday Free-For-All was posted today, and it is all kinds of hot.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Hi! Thanks for the mention. I love when people love us.


I feel kinda bad that I don't read slash. If I did, I would totally read your story. I guess that's kinda empty though.

Anywhos, thanks bunches.