Saturday, October 31, 2009



This is my magic, albeit approximate, number, in these last moments of the month of October.

35,263 <--- The number of words of fiction I wrote this month, spanning five different stories (four of them posted publicly).

This is by far the most prolific month I've ever had as an author. Normally I try not to focus too greatly on word count, and I've certainly never taken a monthly tally before, believing in the principle of quality over quantity. A few days ago, though, it occurred to me that I have had an unbelievable month in terms of inspiration and the muses speaking to me. Maybe it's because I was working on five different stories that I had the inspiration - changing up the storylines in my head, working with completely different characters in each story.

It also helps that every time I post, my inbox is flooded with reviews and PMs, generous words of love and support from readers. I feel so grateful for the people who read one of my stories and send me a note to tell me what they appreciated.

Anyways, no matter the reason. :) The number itself isn't truly significant to anyone but me; but I just have to mark this milestone for myself, with humility and gratitude and the hope of months to follow that are as rewarding as this one has been.

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