Saturday, July 31, 2010

Deep Dish Mentioned on Twi-Muses Blog

I woke up this morning to an absolutely lovely article written by Kira of the Twilight Muses blog, for their weekly Slash Saturday feature. The post is called It's All About Jack, and yes, that's my Jackie she's talking about! :)

I'm so grateful for the rec on a Twilight blog, particularly since DD is really skirting the limit of what can technically be called fanfic. Fortunately for me, Kira has opted to view that as a good thing, rather than detracting from the story.

Thank you so much, Kira! :)

Saturday Jackspiration: Starfishy's Faves

I'm not feeling all that inspired today, in terms of coming up with a good theme for the Jackspiration. I can't think of anything more creative than a Starfishy's Favourites theme...but that means I get to post, you know, my favourites. :)

Ohaithere and YUM can I take him home?

First time I saw this one - UNGH. So, so beautiful.

I don't watch the Tudors, but he looks like such a sneaky bastard in this picture - I love it.

Adorable and playful.

I think this much is obvious - he needs to ALWAYS be wearing a suit. No other options for this beautiful boy. :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Been a While Since I Was Your Man, by Matthew Good

Jacey "Thursday": Broken-hearted Me

Here we are with another Jacey "Thursday" post, the first in a while. It isn't that I forgot last night, just that I sort of ran out of steam after finishing up DD Chapter 28 and posting it.

So after reading the chapter we know now that poor Jacey hasn't had a great summer. He's pretty broken-hearted, in fact. :(

So sad his eyes are probably pretty red from crying.

So sad he has to sleep alone.

So sad he might have to write a song about it.

So sad he might have to lean up against a big stone with his shirt open...

...or sit in profile in black and white...

...or get his hair cut.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chapter 28 of Deep Dish is delayed

Hello my dahlinks,

I'm sorry to say that, partly because of my commitment for last week's FFFA and partly because I'm a procrastinating procrastinator who procrastinates (and reads Spork fic), the next chapter of Deep Dish is not ready yet. I'm sorrrrryyyyy. I hope it'll be ready by Friday. :D

In the meantime, if you haven't yet read the July 25th Friday Free-for-All, and if you enjoyed my story The Morning After The Night Before, perhaps you'll want to head over there now to check it out.

Smooches infinity,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday Jackspiration: Keeping Cool in the Summer Months

I don't know where you live, but where I am, on the shore of one of the Great Lakes, it's been hotter than hell. Add humidity to that and everyone has a constant case of swamp ass.

Jackie, of course, also lives next to one of the Great Lakes, and he has some tips for us on how to stay cool during the hot, humid, dog days of summer.

Take off your shirt and hold your arms up in the air, to cool and air out your pits.

This is a fairly obvious suggestion - go for a swim.

This is for the independently wealthy out there - just go up to high altitudes in your glider.

Tuck your hand into your pants and pull the waistband away from your skin - it'll send a cooling rush of air...down there.

Even a heavy coat with a leather vest can be summer wear when you pair it with a windy gorse hill and a rainbow.

And for the truly disgustingly hot days, there's just no substitute for taking it all off. That's right...go starkers.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jacey Thursday: The Window to the Soul

The eyes are the window to the soul...

...but unfortunately, these windows have blinds on them. LOL

I love the slightly overexposed, saturated colours in this shoot.

Hey, Mr. Slick.

Ooops! Someone left the blinds open.

Siiiiiiiiigh. Wow. The lips. THE LIPS.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday Jackspiration: Moving Pictures

Well, it's early Saturday morning and I'm still awake; and since I'm not doing anything particularly productive (like, you know, writing) I thought I'd get a jump on this week's HCav goodness.

And now, for something completely different - videos! A few of my favourites, which include just about everything he's ever done for Dunhill. His look in those ads is just absolutely perfect for my Jackie.

I love this one - it made me giggle.

(I'd happily lie on the beach with him, you know, on days off. Or buy him Guinness. Or...whatever.)

Is there anyone who hasn't seen this? Hawt!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jacey Thursday: The Infant of Jacey

I have all these pics of itty-bitty youngster Jacey. :) He was all cute and gawky when he was a teenager...

Awww - he has a dirty lip. :)

All ready for the first day of school, LOL.

Trying to contain a grin? :)

Petulant teen...

This is sweet.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday Jackspiration: Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella

The introduction for this one is simple - does anyone have a smile like this? So genuine and unaffected, and simply lovely.

The first few were shot on the set of the Dunhill London commercial.

(^One of my favourites of him)

And at a Dunhill London event - super-short hair here!

Relaxed and happy...


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jacey Thursday: Come Fuck Me

This post is what it is because @herinfiniteeyes started tweeting her 90s Freak Mix songs tonight, just as I was beginning to look through my Jacey pics to decide on a theme. Ginuwine's Pony had me looking at every pic and thinking, "Wow, he looks like he's giving someone bedroom eyes." Like..every pic. I could have just linked you to my whole mothersucking photobucket account, LOL, but here are some of the highlights, appropriately titled for 90s "freaky" songs - and if you can't place the song, click on the song name to go to a youtube reminder:

You Make Me Wanna

Touch It

Givin' Him Somethin' He Can Feel

You're Makin' Me High

Two Occasions

Turn Your Lights Down Low

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday Jackspiration: Twirly Curls Barbie

As Jacey thought about Jack in the "Sketch" drabble, below, "Keep your hair as short as you want, but that curl has a mind of its own." Yes, anything longer than a brushcut on HCav shows his hair's tendency to curl - major ringlets. Today's Jackspiration is all about Jack when he is sporting a Twirly Curls Barbie look (incidentally: Twirly Curls Barbie was my most coveted item in 1982. Before HCav was born. Ahem).

Hahahahahahahahaha. Dear heck, where are your merry men?

Random side-of-the-head braids. This actually looks like something I'd have done to my Barbie ca. 1982.

I really, really wish I knew what was going on here. Ice cream man? Dr. Naughty and the Night Nurses? Anyways, he's totally feminine and pretty.

Okay, this at least looks like it was taken this century.

Not sure what I think of this look...actually, that was a lie and a poor attempt to be diplomatic. Do not like. Always beautiful - always - but much too much curl.

Ahhhh. Now this is more like it. Yummmmm. This could totally be Jack if he got a little careless, let his hair go a bit too long between cuts.

Sketch, for mycrookedsmile

mycrookedsmile requested a drabble set in Deep Dish when Jacey visits Jack over Spring Break:

"I'd like to know what Jacey was thinking/seeing/whatever while sketching Jack."

Here is the result (click for full-size):

It's nicely accompanied by the song that plays behind the following clip. The song is "Sketch", by Kurt Swinghammer.

Given to Fly, for melooza

melooza asked for a Spork drabble based on this photo.

Here is the result.

Altar, for BeCullen

BeCullen requested a Spork drabble based on the photo provided:

The following is the result:

First Down, for BeCullen

BeCullen requested a drabble featuring Kas and Beautiful from Over The Top, based on the following photo:

The following is the result: